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Hi there.

This portion of the site is personal, not professional. The most important stuff I can tell you about my personal life is as follows.

I'm what some might call "religious." Because many believe the topic of "religion" shouldn't be mixed-in with polite conversation, I warn the reader to stop here if such language bothers you. On the other hand, this isn't exactly a conversation, so you won't experience the awkward, uncomfortable feelings people try to avoid when their religious views don't align with views of the person they're talking with.

Long story short, I'm a Christian. However, today (at least in the U.S.), that can mean a number of things. What I understand the Bible to mean is this: I trust that Jesus Christ bore the wrath of God ( Romans 5:9 ) that I deserved ( Ephesians 2:3 ) when He died on the cross, thus bringing me to God ( 1 Peter 3:18 ) and that He is the Lord ( Luke 6:46-49 ) and prize ( Psalm 42:1-2 ) of my life, owning and governing it all ( Matthew 10:37-39 ) . While I strive to follow Christ, because I'm still a selfish sinner, I fall woefully short - just ask my family.

Speaking of which, God has blessed me with a wife and two boys - none of whom I deserve. They're really quite incredible, each in their own way. Maybe one day you'll meet them.

If for some reason you really want to get the inside scoop about me and you're into that sort of thing, you can see more on Facebook.